Before I start I have to warn you: if you are a Rebecca Black fan or you just like her music or what ever, I will be saying some not so nice stuff here (after my "I'm sick"-part) so if you don't want to know what I wrote, don't read that text.
Howdy, my peeps. I thought that now could be a good time to write here since I'm home sick. And oh God how I hate this. I puked all night (I know you wanted to know that (: ) and even though I haven't puked for a long time now I feel so horrible. Of course it could be because I'm starving but I don't feel like eating anything. My dad is shopping and i told him to bring me some honey melon and Piltti mangosose. Let's see if he actually manages to bring the right kinda melon! :) Oh well, they're both good.
Being sick gives you the privilidge to go to the computer and look for stuff etc. I don't know if you have heard of a new singer called Rebecca Black but she's being watched very much in YouTube. And not because she's good, 'cause I personally think she isn't. I don't think that just because so many other peeps do too but becase it's true. If you listen to her song Friday you'll understand. First of all, the lyrics are pointless. She sings like this in one part:
"Kickin’ in the front seat
Sittin’ in the back seat
Gotta make my mind up
Which seat can I take?"
Umm, I don't know about you but HELLO, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. And it doesn't end there. But you can see for yourself. I'll put a link to the end.
Rebecca Black, everybody. | |
Then second, she totally sings from her nose. Her voice isn't pure and it'se like she has a bubble in her throat, you know? And last, she's 13 for crying out loud and her make-up is like someone would put on Britney Spears, for example.I mean, of course the media people put her the make-up and all but fourth, she's still 13 and they're driving a car?? I know in some states you can drive when you're 16, with an adult when you're 15 but never heard of 13-year-old kids driving. The media could start thinking a bit. But still, her voise is not from the best end. Of course, well I think anyway that, if you're pretty and all, you don't need to be as good of a singer. For example if I would want to shine in Hollywood I'd have to work twice as hard just because I'm not exactly thin and my skin isn't the best but I can sing. So, once again, looks conquer talent. It truly is a shame. Oh well, you'll remember me when I'm some popular singer and not the size of XS. ::) Just wait and see. Heres the link:
Kyllä jo jotkut suomalaisetki, alle 13-vuotiaat jopa käyttää mielestäni paljon pahempaa meikkiä ko tuo.. Ja musiikillisesti biisi on mitä on, mutta en tajua tuota kohua koska mun mielestä suurin osa nrj-shaibasta on lyriikoiltaan just samanlaista "partying partying yeah fun fun fun fun"..... Miksi tuosta nyt on sitte nostettu tuollane kohu?
VastaaPoistano okei ehkei se meikki oo NIIN paha mutta ei 13 v sellasia tarvitse. En tiä, varmaan kun tää on amerikkalainen ja se on youtubes niin kaikki käy kattomas sitä siellä. Joo siis sanathan on nykyään just sellasia partyparty mut tossa fridayssa ne on vaan laitettu tyhmästi ja se miettii istuakko etu vai takapenkille. Lisäks se taitaa olla vähän sävelkorvaton. Mut se on mun mielipide